Check out the 2nd Annual Celebration of Latino Children's Literature Conference to be held in Columbia, SC on April 24-25, 2009.
Since 2000, the Latino population has accounted for half of the population growth in the United States with the greatest gains noted in areas of the South, among which include South Carolina and Alabama (Pew Hispanic Center, 2008). With this growth comes the critical need for mentorship and research as we begin the process of understanding the richness of Latino children and their families in an effort to support their lifelong learning and community empowerment. It is imperative for schools and libraries to reach out to Latino families in ways that are culturally and linguistically relevant. As practicing and preservice educators and librarians serving the literacy and informational needs of nuestro futuro, we must deepen our understanding of the Latino cultures and learn ways to celebrate their rich diversity within our classrooms and libraries.
To jumpstart this process, The Universities of South Carolina and Alabama are pleased to announce the Second Annual Celebration of Latino Children’s Literature Conference to be held at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC. This national conference, sponsored by the College of Education and the School of Library and Information Sciences at USC and
the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Alabama, is designed for individuals interested in celebrating Latino children’s literature in their schools, libraries, literacy organizations, homes, and community‐based sites of learning. Featuring nationally‐acclaimed Latino literacy scholars and award‐winning Latina authors, the conference is truly a unique experience.
Since 2000, the Latino population has accounted for half of the population growth in the United States with the greatest gains noted in areas of the South, among which include South Carolina and Alabama (Pew Hispanic Center, 2008). With this growth comes the critical need for mentorship and research as we begin the process of understanding the richness of Latino children and their families in an effort to support their lifelong learning and community empowerment. It is imperative for schools and libraries to reach out to Latino families in ways that are culturally and linguistically relevant. As practicing and preservice educators and librarians serving the literacy and informational needs of nuestro futuro, we must deepen our understanding of the Latino cultures and learn ways to celebrate their rich diversity within our classrooms and libraries.
To jumpstart this process, The Universities of South Carolina and Alabama are pleased to announce the Second Annual Celebration of Latino Children’s Literature Conference to be held at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC. This national conference, sponsored by the College of Education and the School of Library and Information Sciences at USC and
the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Alabama, is designed for individuals interested in celebrating Latino children’s literature in their schools, libraries, literacy organizations, homes, and community‐based sites of learning. Featuring nationally‐acclaimed Latino literacy scholars and award‐winning Latina authors, the conference is truly a unique experience.